Due to the generosity of TGCC&M we have been given the use of The Jack Bramble Conference Room to continue our research days. The JB room is at the Motel (the old reception area ) behind the TGCC&M Club. Easy to find look for the Club sign on Myall St TG, turn left between the units and the Club in Yalimbah St. There is ample parking but please do not park in the front of the Motel units.
New Opening Times: Monday 12.30pm to 4.00pm and Sunday 10.00am to 3.00pm (Saturday to be confirmed).
With this change of venue for the time being and to cover our running expenses we are asking our members/visitors to pay $3 per person per day, to be paid when you sign the attendance book. The $3.00 covers unlimited internet / computer use plus a cuppa with friendly help.
Unfortunately we no longer have access to a printer on site (but we are in the process of applying for a grant to purchase our own printer). In the meantime please bring along your own USB stick to save your research records. We continue to have access the same research sites as before, including Ancestry.
We are also holding a workshop on 'How to check, clean, save from the internet to the USB stick' at 12:30pm. Followed by a Welcoming Cuppa.
Printing can be done at home, CTC from 9am to 4.00pm or the TG library.
135 Marine Drive , TEA GARDENS, New South Wales, 2324, Australia